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2009 Nominations Announcement

Nominations for the 2009 Betty Mitchell Awards will be announced at The Auburn Saloon (115, 9th Ave. S.E.—at the base of the Calgary Tower) on Wednesday, July 22nd at 11 a.m. by 2008 recipients for Outstanding Actor in a Drama and Outstanding Actress in a Drama, Curt McKinstry and Shawna Burnett. McKinstry and Burnett will also announce the new venue for this year’s Awards Ceremony, and the brand new Betty Mitchell Awards website.

Members of the Calgary theatre community, friends, patrons, and the media are all invited to attend the Nomination Announcement. The complete list of nominees can be accessed at following the announcement.

Now in their 12th year, The Betty Mitchell awards are an important part of Calgary’s professional theatre community. These awards not only recognize the continued level of excellence in our theatres but also raise the profile of live performance in our city and encourage audience growth.

The 2008/2009 professional theatre season (June 15th, 2008–June 14th, 2009) brought to the stage 56 shows eligible for Betty Mitchell Award nominations. To be eligible the shows must run in the City of Calgary for at lease nine performances over two weekends, and the shows must be professional in nature. The professional nature of a show is defined by whether or not members of the creative team are working under a Canadian Actors’ Equity Association contract.** Our accountant, Bob Quinlan, tabulates the input of the Nominating Committee and produces a list of nominees.

The final ballots are then distributed to the same 12-member Nominating Committee, and to anyone (actors, directors, designers, crew, administration, audience members, etc.) who has seen 25 of the eligible productions. Ballots are mailed to these people as requested after providing proof (by way of submitting a Betty Mitchell Awards Passport) indicating the bearer has seen 25 of the eligible productions.

Ticket details will be included in the 2009 Nominations Announcement on July 22nd, 2009 and tickets will be available for purchase the following day. Ticket information can also be accessed at following the announcement.

For general information, visit the website or email

** 5 or 50% of the creative team is working under a CAEA or design contract.

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