Get Involved
It takes a village, come join ours! We have positions and opportunities to help from social media and web development to ticket taking and ushering, from event management and planning, to program creation, sponsor acquisition, and more!

Board of
As a board member, you play a crucial role in shaping the show's development.
Board members dedicate their time informally throughout the year, attending monthly meetings, offering input for decisions, overseeing the website and social media profiles, and assisting with all show-related tasks on the event day and leading up to it.
Potential board members can explore roles such as website management/design, social media oversight, acquiring sponsorships, serving as secretary, managing awards, selecting nominations committee members, and more.
For more see our
Nomination Committee
Each new season, the board assembles a jury of 12 peers and community members to serve on the Nominating Committee.
When choosing jurors, various factors are taken into account, such as diversity in theatre disciplines, individual expertise, and other relevant considerations to ensure a fair and diverse representation for evaluating eligible productions.
The duties of the Nom Com include
Attending a minimum of 75% of all Eligible Productions
Selecting 5 nominees for each Award Category
Selecting 1 Award Recipient for each Award Category
For full details on NomCom selection, process, and duties please see our Guidelines: Nomination Committee.
Juried Awards
A special jury of 5 members and 1 non-voting Chair evaluate nominations for the Duve Lang Award for Young Audiences and the Dean Ott / Debbie Bolt Award.
If you are a past recipient of either award or are member of the community with a background in production, technical theatre, or Children's Theatre you may be considered for a position on the jury.
For full details on the Juried Awards, Juror selection, nomination process, and selection please see our Guidelines: Juried Awards.
Event Day Help
If you would love to help out on the "Big Show Day" and want to volunteer your time for a full day, half a day, or just a few hours, please, let us know!
The Betty's always needs helpers to
Help Setup
Technical Setups
Arrange Flowers
Greet people
Ticket Take
Assist with seating
Attending to Sponsors & VIPs
Plan Sponsorship Event
Distribute Programs
Help Take Down
Be a happy bright spot
and more!
Passport Holders
Passports let members of the pubic get a vote!
If you have a passion for the local theatre scene and want your voice heard become a Passport Holder!
Passports can be found at all the Eligible Companies Box Offices.
Each Passport Holder needs to see 25 eligible shows in order to cast a vote for the awards.
Bring your Passport to all eligible shows and get it stamped by the Box Office!
Completed Passports are due by mail or drop off by June 1st to the following address:
Bob Quinlan and Associates
6025 - 11 Street SE
Calgary, Alberta T2H 2Z3
Please make sure all your information is filled out and you've collected all your stamps. You will receive a voting packaging in the mail with instructions.
For full details on the process please see our Guidelines: Passport Holders