REMINDER: The Nominations Announcement for the 2012 Betty Mitchell Awards will take place this Tuesday, July 3rd at 4 p.m. in the Auburn Saloon (115, 9th Ave. S.E.-at the base of the Calgary Tower). Members of the community are welcome and encouraged to attend!
The complete list of nominees can be accessed at www.bettymitchellawards.com following the announcement.
Now in their 15th year, The Betty Mitchell Awards are an important part of Calgary’s professional theatre community. These awards not only recognize the continued level of excellence in Calgary theatres but also raise the profile of live performance in our city and encourage audience growth.
Tickets for the 2012 Betty Mitchell Awards are on sale now and can be purchased through Stage West Theatre Restaurant by phoning 403.243.6642. The first 150 tickets will be sold at an early bird price of $60. For further information please visit our website at www.bettymitchellawards.com.
Please direct any additional questions to Karen Johnson-Diamond at kjdc@shaw.ca.