Nominations are currently being accepted for the Duval Lang Theatre for Young Audiences Award. Deadline for Submission: July 16, 2012.
This annual award has been created to honor an individual or group of individuals who have made an outstanding contribution or significant achievement in the field of Theatre for Young Audiences in Calgary.
This award is made possible through the collaborative efforts of Quest Theatre and the Betty Mitchell Awards and is supported by a fund established in 2008 at the Calgary Foundation by a group of generous donors in recognition of Duval Lang.
Duval Lang was the founding Artistic Director of Quest Theatre and spent 25 years making theatre accessible, meaningful and enjoyable to young audiences. Along the way he has nurtured many emerging artists who have been inspired by his influence. Duval’s dedication to his craft has, and will continue to have, a significant impact in the field of Theatre for Young Audiences.
Criteria for nomination:
May be an individual or group of individuals (but not an organization);
Must be a Calgary resident who has continuously striven for excellence in his/her craft;
Has demonstrated excellence in the field of Theatre for Young Audiences;
May be awarded for an outstanding season of work, individual achievement, or a sustained contribution to the community.
The nominator will elaborate on the manner in which the candidate(s) meets the above criteria. Additional letters of testimony will be accepted to a maximum submission of ten pages.
The recipient will be chosen from among the nominees by a jury consisting of past recipients plus other industry professionals, as selected by Quest Theatre and the Betty Mitchell Awards Steering Committee. The successful nominee will be recognized at the Betty Mitchell Awards, August 27, 2012, which celebrate Calgary’s professional theatre community.
2009 was the first presentation of the Duval Lang Theatre for Young Audiences Award. Past award recipients have been Lana Skauge, Karen Johnson-Diamond, and Daniel Hall.
To submit a nominee, please mail to:
Betty Mitchell Awards, Re: Duval Lang Theatre for Young Audiences Award PO Box 924 Station T Calgary, AB T2H 2H4
or email to: info@bettymitchellawards.com Subject Line: Duval Lang Theatre for Young Audiences Award
Photo by Brent Calis